Bruce Lee researched and experimented with methods from many systems of martial arts, using the essence of these arts in their given ranges. The methods had to be practical and economical, with no wasted motion. Some of the arts he drew from are: Wing Chun kung fu, boxing, fencing, Savate, Tai Chi Chuan and Jujitsu. We teach Bruce Lee's original authentic curriculum and training methods from 1964-1973, as passed down to us from Sifu Dan Inosanto, heir to Jeet Kune Do and the only person ever given 3rd rank (instructor level) in Jeet Kune Do personally by Bruce Lee. |
At Princeton Academy of Martial Arts, we teach both the Inosanto method of Filipino Kali and Lameco Eskrima. The Inosanto method, taught to us by Guro Dan Inosanto, is a system developed by Guro Inosanto based on his many years of study with over 25 different Filipino masters in Kali/Eskrima. Lameco Eskrima, founded in 1981 by Punong Guro Edgar Sulite, uses long, middle and close range weaponry and is based on ten systems he studied in the Philippines. |
The training itself is a great workout and develops physical and mental conditioning, toughness and a "keep-going" attitude. The instructors at Princeton Academy of Martial Arts are certified by Ajarn Chai Sirisute, founder of the Thai Boxing Association of the USA. Ajarn Chai is the first-ever Thai boxing instructor to teach Americans this art. |
Call today to sign your child up for a free trial class. You will be amazed by a child's desire to cultivate all these invaluable skills! |
Maphilindo Silat was founded by Guro Dan Inosanto, and is based on the various systems of Silat he has studied under Silat masters from Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia. Maphilindo combines these Silat styles, using empty hand strikes, off-balancing, kicks, punches, elbows, knees and nerve strikes. Guro Inosanto created this system to honor his Silat instructors. Mande Muda Pencak Silat is a family system of Silat headed by Pendekar Herman Suwanda of Indonesia. Founded in 1953 by Herman Suwanda's father, Mande Muda Pencak Silat is a combination of 24 systems of Indonesian Silat, including Tjimande, Tjikalong, Harimau and Kari. With Mande Muda you learn to defend yourself while standing or from the ground, and how to effectively use kicks, hand strikes, elbows, knees, nerve hits and locks. Pentjak Silat Bukti Negara, founded by Pendekar Paul De Thouars in 1984, uses quick entries and close-quarter strikes with the hands, elbows and knees. Based on the principles of Serak, Bukti Negara also emphasizes the use of levers for off-balancing, sweeps and throws. Because this system is based on body physics rather than brute strength, it can be used by anyone, regardless of size or strength. |